This was a add-on, re-work, cover-up combo and guess who forgot to take a before photo! Anyways, I added on the two top flowers as well as the dragon fly and fixed the flower at the bottom. All in all I'd say I'm pretty happy with it and she was more than stoked.
This sheet is for our 2 year anniversary at Sailor's Grave Tattoo taking place on the 4th of July in Downtown Eureka. The designs are of Traditional Sailor Jerry Americana painted by your's truly. All of these designs will be greatly reduced in price from around $80-$150 down to $60-$80 smackers. First come first served.
I love my job and the fact that I make a living, doing something I love. However, like anything I to need a break from time to time. So this is where I took off to for a couple of days to not think about anything having to do with work and just get back to the simple things like swimming in the river, cooking over an open fire, drinking a few beers and hanging with my lady and our kid (dog).
One thing that I am learning from working with Henry is how to put together and/or build tattoo machines. This is my first go at making a machine and I personally couldn't be happier. It's a hard hitting liner that can push anything from a tight 3 to a 9 round for big back pieces and such. I call it the "red racer". I hope to be building more soon.
My first portrait. I'm more than stoked that it was of a Pit Bull puppy. I had a lot of fun tattooing this and the gentlemen I tattooed it on was more than pleased with the outcome, so that took some of the pressure off my shoulders. I hope to do some more soon.

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