My buddy T.J came up from Southern California to get this started. Had a lot of fun designing, tattooing and talking with T.J about old times (he's a friend of my older sister and family). Always fun!
While T.J was up I did a little touch up on what I started a few years back and got a healed photo of it. Amazing how drawing styles change (at least in my case)
Photo's a little (okay probably more than a little) washed out, but I'm not a great photographer so...you get the idea. Anyways, Thanks again T.J for being one of my victims when I was just starting out and probably shouldn't have been tattooing pieces this big.
Started the outline on this 3/4 sleeve the other day. He did great as it was about 5 hours of tattooing (not an easy task). The piece itself will be in Black and Gray. Looking forward to working on this one for sure! good times.
She's back for round two. Got the wings done, and from here on out just little by little to complete this back piece. The body seems to heal a little better with more sessions, yet shorter periods of actual tattooing. Always a good time, and I look forward to more sessions down the road...full steam ahead as they say!
Don't normally tattoo hands, but this was a very fun tattoo(s) to do. When it comes to hands, the more simple and easy to read the better I say.
Tattooed my mentor's fingers the other day. Kinda nervous as he has his hands tattooed by some heavyweights in the industry (Grime, Jeff Whitehead and Todd Tauscher) to name a few. Don't ask what it means, it's very personal to the Boss Man. n Nonetheless it was a good time (as he made me laugh so hard I was crying, with the comments and faces he was making) and an honor!
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A little more progress on this one as well. He sat great (as usual) and was a champ when we worked on the 'hellbow" (elbow) and the pit. Not easy places to get tattooed to say the least, but he did great. As well I finished most of the Black shading (little hint of black to be hit here and there) and will be plugging along smoothly with color from here on out.
Just color on this one to go and where all wrapped up. The grey in the wind bars and water should lighten up quite a bit and hopefully look very nice with the bright color that will be put into the Octopus.
Nothing to epic here. Just wanted to show a small little walk-in that I did a few days back. Had a lot of fun making this tattoo and would love it if more people would come in on a day to day basis and got little tattoo's that would just for fun. Don't get me wrong I enjoy large tattoos as well, but 'one shot' tattoos are always fun and good times!
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