Got some more work done on Joe here. Shaded the hair, re-worked the arm band and colored in her hair as well as worked on some of the feathers. Still a lot to go on this sleeve, but for a cover-up/re-work we are moving along really well. Thank you again Joe for sitting like a champ (seriously the guy can sit all day, so long as I let him stand up and let the blood flow back into his butt.)
Still some work to be done on the Maiden. Color in the hair and feathers are next session.
Got the river colored in and the rest of the hillside. Wanted the hillside to look as though it had rocks and mud along with foliage covering both. His research on the part of Indian that he has his ancestry in located them in the Mississippi Region.
So the inside is what I am covering up. He had some tribal and a dragon, that is now covered up with a hillside that the chief is standing upon. Still some work to be done on that little guy, fine tuning and more cover-up of the band up above him. Should be a fun session.
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