Finally finished this piece up. Have to say I'm happy with the outcome on this one. Didn't have a set plan on the color scheme, just kind of went with what I felt at the time, which can turn out some really good ideas when your working "on the fly" as they say. Don't recommend doing that all the time, but sometimes you just have to let things come a little more 'natural' way.
Did some fun color mixing for this piece. Hopefully get the chance to combined some more crazy ideas that are floating in my head right now, sometime soon!
So I lined this out a while ago and didn't hear from the guy in months (happens some times) Then low and behold he rolled in yesterday to finish it up. Which was quite lucky on his part, because I had just finished tattooing. Anyways, a very fun traditional tattoo to do, sorry the picture is a bit washed out and blurry but what are ya going to do sometimes?
So this gentlemen is in the Coast Guard and had this pin-up that he wanted to re-work/ cover up. A few things that he was not crazy about so we decided on not a complete cover-up, but just adding in a few things to give it a little extra something (which can be a bit tricky at times). Not too much drawing on this one, but you get the idea. Should be smooth sailing from here on out.
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