Started this last weekend. Another buddy from down south way and he let me do what I wanted to do on this arm (so long as it was cool). I choose to do a Geisha/Witch that is on top of a hill that hold the severed head of herself. which is as well protected by evil spirits. The tiger is a good force that is trying to get to the top of the hill and set the women's spirit free. A long story I know, and in fact I kind of made it up as I am not traditional Japanese trained tattooer. But I feel the story play's out well of the whole good vs. evil motif that is very present in a lot of tattoo imagery. Thank you again Jon. We'll continue in about a month.
Lined this out on another friend from southern Cali. Plan on keeping it pretty traditional looking on this with a bit of a battle scene on the back of his leg. I plan on a Samurai going after this little guy, with a lot of cloud cover and rocks and lightning in the background, keeping it more on the Autumn feel as we have come around to fall up here in the Redwood Curtain. Enjoy.
The line work of a samurai shin guard. This is on the same calf of the above piece. Not much black will be going into this piece as I'm am going to keep it as "Illustrative/ realistic" as possible.
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