So I am doing a collaboration with a good friend of mine and fellow tattooer, Ric Cardenas. If you don't know of him, now you do! He currently works at 12 monkeys in Tracy, Ca. Anyhow, we decided to a set of flash together so we set it as doing some more on the 'traditional' end of painting with old subject matter and a limited color palette. We are flipping the designs of the sheets. For example he is doing the center piece for the sheet of roses and skulls, I am doing the center piece for the daggers and snakes and on the last sheet (which is more of a Jeff Rassier inspired sheet, think weird traditional) I did the eagle/panther and he will start the center piece, I will finish it. I love doing this as it keeps me motivated and make me push my designs not only in tattooing but in my personal work as well. And who better to do it with than a good buddy!
Nothing super epic here, just wanted to show a fun way to memorialize someone that has past in your life. I really enjoy doing little tattoos like these. Thank you again Steven for letting me do this.
Shorter session for Joe here. Colored in the maiden's hair (decided with a purple so it appears to be "black" hair without actually having just black in it) On top of that got the feathers colored in and the smokey/mist/fire colored in as well. All in all a nice session. The inside is what is to come in a few weeks.
Finished this one the other day. A nice smooth session. Went with a more 'earthy' color palette for this one. I think it will add a nice 'something else' to what you all normally see in my work.
Sorry ya gain for the washed out photos. I swear I will learn to take a good photo some time soon!
Slow and steady from here on out. Just nice 3-4 hour sessions. I find this is easier on the body and mind of both client and myself. I still do long grueling sessions but I do advise against it as the healing seems to be over all a cleaner and more pleasant experience. A lot of fun coloring in the three big feathers. Next session onto the 'eyes' of the larger feathers and finish up the smaller guy up top there as well as maybe get the two bottom flowers colored in. I really can wait until the background goes in as I think it will make the phoenix really come off her back.
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6/13/2022 03:27:49 am

Great reading thiss


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